My Triple Berry Cake -11/3/2010 (1)

Jess bought seasonal tickets to the Pantages Theatre last year, so we had quite a few visits to Hollywood in 2009. We enjoyed going with my sister, and that's how we discovered the Triple Berry Cake. Min-Ling, my sister is always knowledgeable about things, she invited us to have early dinner before the show at this really unique little place in North Hollywood called Cafe Solar de Cahuenga. It is a very charming place, and the food is nice, too, but, what's amazing is the Triple Berry Cake they serve. The cake first caught my eyes because of it's elegant design. It's a tall 4-layer yellow cake filled, and frosted and decorated with whipped cream and lots of berries: strawberries, raspberries and blackberries. It looked so delicious, and I simply could not resist it. So, we ordered a piece for dessert after the meal, and it was sooo goood! The next time we visited the same cafe, I ordered nothing but the cake for dinner!

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Chiffon Cupcakes

昨天診所的 Julie 說廖醫師台灣的叔叔來看牙, 還帶來了在台中追思禮拜拍的照片. 雖然這些照片真會讓人再度慯痛起來, 還是很謝謝他的好意. 於是決定烤些小蛋糕帶去拜訪他和嬸嬸. 由於一做就是 24 個, 就也送些給小叔家和姑媽家. 他們對於收到這些蛋糕都蠻開心的, 希望也覺得好吃.

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Chiffon Cupcakes

Today I baked some cupcakes for an uncle and aunt from Taiwan. The recipe makes 24 such cupcakes, so I decided to give some of them to other relatives. Since these chiffon cupcakes are sort of a new item in the local bakeries, my relatives were surprised and were happy when they saw the cakes, and I hope they really enjoyed them.

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1) 前天烤的麵包今早一嚐更酸了, 不過還是好吃啦!

Toasted and slathered with fermanted butter

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1) Getting more sour!

The bread continues to get more sour every day! I guess if you prefer to have it more sour, you should let it "ripe" over time after it's baked...

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這樣寫不知對不對? 酸麵包聽起來好奇怪, 好像壞掉了似的. 其實是天然發酵產生的酸味, 夾帶著很獨特的香甜味, 個人認為很好吃, 有的愛好者還非此麵包不吃呢!

Anyway, 最近開始做這酸麵包, 原因是葡萄種天然酵母培養成功了! 這真是大喜訊呢! 好久以來就想養天然酵母, 一直都沒勇氣開始, 這回還要感謝教會的李基藏牧師娘呢! 上上主日在教會遇到她, 她很熱誠地送我她自己種的很甜的葡萄一大串, 很甜又有機, 但是顆粒小了點, 籽也大了點, 吃得有點辛苦. 靈機一動, 何不用來養酵母呢? 還是有機的葡萄ㄟ, 成功了的話就可天天有酸麵包吃了, 比光吃葡萄更開心呢!

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好像應該寫中文的貼文吧! 只是打得好慢又好會打錯字. 不過試試也好. 噯, 真是英文也差中文也差差!

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  • Oct 26 Tue 2010 12:16
  • Peace

World peace, Lord! The big world and our little worlds at home for my sisters and brothers, Lord! Touch the hearts of those troubled souls who struggle to stay peaceful by their own will... Lord, please reveal to them that we are nothing without you, only by your power that we can overcome the hardship in our lives...

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Maybe I should not trade at all! Not making money at all this year... Well, only made 6.9% this year, and that's nothingness... What lame performance...

I thought that LVS was going to pull back! Well, all in all, that long expected September pull back of the market never happened, and that stinks! Ugh!

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