The best dessert I had when we went to Barcelona this summer was the famous Spanish Chocolate con Churros. I had it twice in three day!! It was that delicious, honestly!
目前分類:Baking & Cooking (14)
- Dec 30 Sun 2012 12:57
Chocolate con Churros
- Dec 24 Fri 2010 12:56
敏娣的賀喜氏 "完美巧克力" 巧克力蛋糕
自從做了這個巧克力蛋糕之後, 因為廣大食客讚不絕口, (呵呵, 真夠老王的!)就沒再做過別種巧克力蛋糕了! 這個蛋糕很好用, 夾草莓或桃子鮮奶油或慕斯餡, 都很好吃. 其實最早先是做成黑森林蛋糕, 也是極受喜愛黑森林蛋糕的食客讚賞! 以下的做法是依照亞洲人的微甜口味做過調整的, 所以原名 "Hershey's Perfectly Chocolate Chocolate Cake" 前面又被我再加上 Mindi's:
- Dec 23 Thu 2010 20:53
Mindi's Hershey's "Perfectly Chocolate" Chocolate Cake
I have tried many chocolate cake recipes, and have found this one really popular--Hershey's "Perfectly Chocolate" Chocolate Cake. Ever since I made this chocolate cake, I have not used any other chocolate cake recipes because all my chocolate lover friends love this chocolate cake the best, plus it is very easy to make.
- Dec 21 Tue 2010 16:31
當我告訴 Crowne Plaza 員工我會帶 Tres Leches 去參加她們的聖誕晚會時, 她們的眼睛都亮了起來! 其實我壓根兒的沒吃過這個著名的老墨三牛奶蛋糕, 更別提做過它了! 於是趕緊問人, 又上網去查做法. 嗯, 好像不是太難的樣子耶! 就是很基本的一個蛋糕浸泡在牛奶汁裡呢! 至於是哪種蛋糕, 似乎從海綿到白奶油蛋糕都有人做. 想到我妹敏玲曾經告訴過我這個蛋糕, 再問她一下, 果不其然, 她吃過的就是個黃奶油蛋糕加牛奶汁.
- Dec 21 Tue 2010 13:49
Tres Leches
I wanted to bring a cake to the Crowne Plaza Employee's Christmas Party. When I mentioned to some employees the kind of cakes I was thinking about bringing, I received few responses until I said "Tres Leches", then I saw the eyes sparkling, mouths opening wide, and heads nodding with joy. The funny thing is that I've never tasted a Tres Leches before, not to mention making it! So I asked the cooks, and searched online. Hmm... It seems like Tres Leches is a very moist and very delicious cake, and the best thing is that it is pretty easy to make!
- Nov 06 Sat 2010 16:23
三莓莓蛋糕 (Triple Berry Cake)
去年女兒 Jessica 買了 Pantages Theatre 一季的戲票, 因此跑了 Hollywood 好幾趟. 我妹敏玲資訊通達, 特別知道許多別緻的餐廳什麼的. 我們請她看戲, 她就請我們去 Cafe Solar de Cahuenga 晚餐. 就是在那裏第一次吃到這個 Triple Berry Cake, 姑且稱之三莓莓蛋糕吧!
- Nov 04 Thu 2010 13:43
Triple Berry Cake
Jess bought seasonal tickets to the Pantages Theatre last year, so we had quite a few visits to Hollywood in 2009. We enjoyed going with my sister, and that's how we discovered the Triple Berry Cake. Min-Ling, my sister is always knowledgeable about things, she invited us to have early dinner before the show at this really unique little place in North Hollywood called Cafe Solar de Cahuenga. It is a very charming place, and the food is nice, too, but, what's amazing is the Triple Berry Cake they serve. The cake first caught my eyes because of it's elegant design. It's a tall 4-layer yellow cake filled, and frosted and decorated with whipped cream and lots of berries: strawberries, raspberries and blackberries. It looked so delicious, and I simply could not resist it. So, we ordered a piece for dessert after the meal, and it was sooo goood! The next time we visited the same cafe, I ordered nothing but the cake for dinner!
- Oct 30 Sat 2010 20:33
昨天診所的 Julie 說廖醫師台灣的叔叔來看牙, 還帶來了在台中追思禮拜拍的照片. 雖然這些照片真會讓人再度慯痛起來, 還是很謝謝他的好意. 於是決定烤些小蛋糕帶去拜訪他和嬸嬸. 由於一做就是 24 個, 就也送些給小叔家和姑媽家. 他們對於收到這些蛋糕都蠻開心的, 希望也覺得好吃.
- Oct 30 Sat 2010 20:19
Hokkaido Chiffon Cupcakes with Whipped Cream Filling
Today I baked some cupcakes for an uncle and aunt from Taiwan. The recipe makes 24 such cupcakes, so I decided to give some of them to other relatives. Since these chiffon cupcakes are sort of a new item in the local bakeries, my relatives were surprised and were happy when they saw the cakes, and I hope they really enjoyed them.
- Oct 28 Thu 2010 01:09
Wild Yeast Sourdough Bread (2)
1) Getting more sour!
The bread continues to get more sour every day! I guess if you prefer to have it more sour, you should let it "ripe" over time after it's baked...
- Oct 27 Wed 2010 01:04
天然發酵的鄉村酸麵包 (二)
- Oct 26 Tue 2010 13:09
天然發酵的鄉村酸麵包 (一)
這樣寫不知對不對? 酸麵包聽起來好奇怪, 好像壞掉了似的. 其實是天然發酵產生的酸味, 夾帶著很獨特的香甜味, 個人認為很好吃, 有的愛好者還非此麵包不吃呢!
Anyway, 最近開始做這酸麵包, 原因是葡萄種天然酵母培養成功了! 這真是大喜訊呢! 好久以來就想養天然酵母, 一直都沒勇氣開始, 這回還要感謝教會的李基藏牧師娘呢! 上上主日在教會遇到她, 她很熱誠地送我她自己種的很甜的葡萄一大串, 很甜又有機, 但是顆粒小了點, 籽也大了點, 吃得有點辛苦. 靈機一動, 何不用來養酵母呢? 還是有機的葡萄ㄟ, 成功了的話就可天天有酸麵包吃了, 比光吃葡萄更開心呢!
- Oct 26 Tue 2010 11:27
Wild Yeast Sourdough Bread
Two Sundays ago (10/17/2010) I ran into Mrs. Lee (李基藏牧師娘) in church, and she gave me some of her house farmed grapes. The grapes were deliciously sweet; however, they were a bit small and the seeds were big, so I decided to make better use of them-to grow wild yeast. I've always wanted to try "capturing", "culturing" or "growing" wild yeast for quite some time, but have never been brave enough to start.
Tada! After a week of keeping the yeast alive, I made my first sourdough bread this morning with the wild yeast I harvested last night.