日子能怎麼過? 就這樣吧... 1) Baking - Mostly cakes and breads, other items on occasion. 不能吃太多, 但似乎為時晚矣... 2) Painting - Preferrably portraits and abstract. 做個畫家可是小時候的夢想呢! 3) Trading - Trying to trade for a living, but finding it very difficult. 以為能夠依此維生, 太難了! 4) Praying - Talks with Lord JC, plus other related issues. 如果沒有祂, 這些日子怎麼熬得過來... 5) Playing - Everything else, especially work. 非因我是工作狂而把它當玩耍, 而是不以玩耍心態可做不下去... 當然, 和家人朋友一起的時光就真是玩耍了, 光想就開心!