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高粱酒香腸Homemade Sausages 5Homemade Sausages 2  

Mindi 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

Yeah, it's been a long time since I last posted something, and I've already forgot what it was. What a shame! Anyway, her I am again.


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Had a nice lunch with a friend at the Julienne in San Marino. It was such a nice and clear day today, bright sun-shiny day today, though the air is a little chilly, it is a good weather for a good mood. Felt like to go for a walk, so I went to Lacy Park. No roses today, gardeners were pruning the rose bushes. Came across an older couple holding a brown Siamese cat, what a beautiful cat! It's such a nice day today! It is a special day, a day I'll never forget... Now go back to the studio for my next painting project. I miss Lacy Park. I miss the empty rose garden. I miss a big warm hand to hold.

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With instructors: (from left) Debbie, Sandy, me and Lorena

我竟然去 Wilton 學蛋糕裝飾, 真是太不可置信了! 11/11-11/19, 兩週的學習非常的緊湊, 也學到了許多以前自己摸索不來的技巧.  之前做的杯子蛋糕的擠花其實慘不忍睹, 只是好友們都只會鼓勵不會批評呢! 還好我應該還算有自知之明吧! 希望以後的蛋糕會比較可看性. 課上完倒是有個好消息, 不過大部分的朋友們應該都知道了, 我根本就是藏不住心情的人, 人還在芝加哥的機場就忍不住 po 在臉書上了: 我的作品被學校拿去拍照了!! 好開心喔! 好像比考上大學時還興奮呢!

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With instructors: (from left) Debbie, Sandy, me and Lorena

I have never dreamed about doing cake decorations. Not that I don't like amazingly gorgeous looking cakes, just that these cakes are usually not tasty. They seem like eye candies only, and I could not understand why take so much effort to produce something that will evantually, and usually very soon, be eaten. But, since I have been baking more lately, I do want my cakes to look as pretty as possible besides the good taste. Especially when there is an occasion, I secretely want it to be a center piece, hehehe... (My evil grin!) So I searched online, going to youtube, trying to learn from what people post about cake decorations. The result was very slim. I did not learn much at all from minutes of demonstrations online. So, I decided to attend a class, and that's when I learned about Wilton School. I remember seeing these classes in local Michael's craft stores, but I rather go to the original school to learn from the teacher's teachers. So I registered at the last minutes, and off I went.

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好像應該寫中文的貼文吧! 只是打得好慢又好會打錯字. 不過試試也好. 噯, 真是英文也差中文也差差!

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謝謝小瑛的啟發, 讓我也勇敢地踏出耕耘 blog 的第一步. 不過夜已深, 剛開張就要去睡覺了! 晚安.

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